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Social recruiting — Get more or better applications for your open positions thanks to online or social media campaigns.

01 Challenge

Find qualified, motivated personnel. The biggest challenge in the current age?

The “shortage of skilled workers” is no longer a recent phenomenon. Numerous industries complain that they barely find any staff. Recruiters are hired with effort and the usual portals are flooded with job advertisements.

02 Approach

Open up an additional, measurable channel for successful employee recruitment with social recuriting.

We identify your target group and the existing “streams” through which you attract employees. We then develop an intelligent mix of digital measures — structured into an optimized funnel. The values of your employer brand are clearly defined and winning, platform-specific content is created.

As part of our digital campaign (e.g. on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.), your target group is actively addressed, regularly reminded of the values of your employer brand, directed to your website and finally confronted with an appealing offer at the right moment so that they are won over as motivated applicants.

03 How To

Social recruiting helps you get more staff that simple.

We analyze your current employee recruitment activities and their results. As part of an audit, we record your strategic goals — which are then followed by our proposed strategy.
Following the audit, we will work out a concept including an action plan for you. It shows you which activities your brand can do to face the lack of personnel and what results can be expected. Processes for ongoing management, as well as KPIs and responsibilities, are defined.
Our in-house team of award-winning designers and videographers creates high-quality advertising materials for your brand, with the aim of making them perform well as digital advertising ads.

You define the extent to which content should be created. If your company already has promising material, it can be used. If necessary, we are also happy to develop a campaign or a pool of versatile and successful ad sets from scratch.
The created ads are professionally distributed by our performance team on the platforms defined in the strategy (Facebook/Instagram/TikTok/LinkedIn/Google etc.) via the ad manager.
In doing so, you benefit from years of experience in how a campaign must be optimized in order to achieve the best results.
At monthly intervals — or more regularly if you wish — you will receive a report from us, which gives you insight into the effectiveness and performance of your digital campaigns.
The KPIs defined in the strategy (e.g. ROAS/CPM/CPC/Website Visitors, etc.) are observed particularly closely.
The enormous measurability of digital campaigns makes it possible to constantly monitor the execution of the defined strategy and — if necessary — make changes for maximum effectiveness.

001 Baseline analysis

002 Strategy preparation

Content creation

004 Campaigning (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.)

Reporting and optimization

“Advertising is dead. Long live advertising.”

The days when simple TV advertising led to success are long gone. Every day, around 2000-3000 brands crowd into our field of vision in order to buy their message into our subconscious mind. Only a fraction of this actually remains in our memory — and this requires acumen, vibe, aesthetics, storytelling and intelligent distribution.

“All about a vibe”

The magic of refined branding is impossible to capture within words. Almost like a good book, a movive, or even the captivating character of someone you are affectionate towards, it's the je-ne-sais-qoi that makes a good brand special. You just know it when you see one. It's the carefull orchestration of a variety of moves, design, storytelling, photography, and soft skills that make or brake this experience. We have been repedely called experts when it comes to the creation of this “vibe.”

“Advertising is dead. Long live advertising.”

The times where murals and basic TV ads lead you to sucess are long gone. Advertising remains to be one of the most hated things in our modern society. So whats the point to even bother? Every day, we interact with 2000-3000 brands, that want to pertrude our mind with their message. A mere fraction of these are actually remembered.

“Advertising is dead. Long live advertising.”

The times where murals and basic TV ads lead you to sucess are long gone. Advertising remains to be one of the most hated things in our modern society. So whats the point to even bother? Every day, we interact with 2000-3000 brands, that want to pertrude our mind with their message. A mere fraction of these are actually remembered.
02 Venues

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Valentin Thalmann